This post will follow the development and build of a set of boards used in Archery for keeping time of an end, displaying the current detail shooting and signalling when it is safe to shoot and when it’s safe to collect your arrows.

As many other projects, this one is built around some Arduinos, some LED strips and some radio communication modules.


  • Count down the time from a set number of seconds down to 0.
  • Display two letters (ab-cd-ef) representing which detail is shooting at the moment.
  • Use audio signals for the start and end of the shooting period. (in accordance with world archery rules, 2 signals to approach the line, 1 signal to shoot, 3 signals to collect.)
  • Make use of a “traffic light system” to visually indicate if it’s safe to shoot or safe to collect.
  • Have the ability to change end times according to different rounds and number of arrows.
  • Allow a Director-of-Shooting (DoS) to control the boards remotely and reliably.


  • Test distance.
  • Test power draw.
  • Write documentation.